Sunday, September 2, 2012

So Much...............

     It seems like life is just flying by, so much to learn, so much service to give, so much young adult and Institute stuff to do, so many people to visit and help. So many opportunities to bear witness of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
     Sometimes, I wonder where to begin and what to tell about.
     We have been back to teaching Institute for 2 weeks now and our classes are growing. I love learning about and teaching about the Savior and that is what we get to do all year. Our lessons this week were on the birth of the Savior and the role of John the Baptist and the 3 temptations of Christ. Sometimes we can think, oh I know all that stuff, I have learned it many times before, but when you are the one preparing the lessons and you are teaching many who have not been taught all their lives the scriptures, you find you prepare a lot differently. And when you really put the effort in with prayer, fasting and study. It is amazing what you learn in the process. For example, did you know that there were 400 years between the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, and the first book of the New Testament, Matthew. And during those 400 years the Israelites had no prophet and they were in captivity for about 380 of those years. By the time it was time for the birth of the Savior, they were not looking for someone to save their souls, they were looking for a mighty warrior that would kill all their earthly enemies. That is why so many did not recognize the Savior for who He was. It gave me a whole new perspective on the Israelites.
      So when John the Baptist started to teach, no one would listen.
    Something else I learned this week in preparing my Institute lesson. Christ went into the wilderness to fast for 40 days and 40 nights. He did this so that he would be prepared spiritually to communicate with His Father. So He would be prepared to start His ministry. Many people believe He went into the wilderness to be tempted. HE DID NOT. No righteous person would go looking for temptation, just living day to day brings enough temptation. HE went to commune with His Father, our Father in Heaven.
  As we taught this week, we had some great discussions, the spirit was strong in each class and we all learned together. I really think Alan and I learn more then any of our students, and as we bear testimony of the Savior, our testimonies become strengthened
     We also had the opportunity to go out teaching with the Elders several times, and that is always a great experience. The Longer we are here, the more we love these amazing people and doing the Lords work. There is so much to do, and not enough time or people to do it.
     So if you are considering going on a mission, as a young Elder or Sister, or as a Sr. couple, stop making and thinking about all the reasons you can't go and just go. Get you life in order and GO. There is so much work all over the world and the Lord only has us to do it. I promise you, the blessings and growth you will receive will far out way any reasons not to go.  And one day when we all stand before Him and give an accounting for our lives, I really hope this will help me, because I need a lot of help.

     Besides that, IT'S TRUE.

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