Thursday, February 23, 2012


Sapwalap Church ( the biggest church on the Island)

Sis. Redesz house, right next to the church

even the pwiks come to the party

prizes for the competition

 The Nett's branch arrives

the rest of the Nett's branch

 The coconut stools for grading the coconuts

Go team blue

Sis. Salaiu gratting coconuts

Sis Calio grating coconuts, the race is on

Husking Coconuts

basket weaving compition

The basket 

the men's tug of war

our sister missionaries,  go team

Local medicine to heal our sunburn blisters

women's tug of war, we almost had them
     We had the opportunity of going to an all day "fair" (for lack of a better word) at Sapwalap. We got to participate in coconut husking & grating contest. sack races, tug of war (my team almost won), kids races, donot & water eating contest, baseball game and volleyball games.  The prizes were coconut tree start, yam start, cocnuts, pinapple start, a whole bunch(we are talking about 50 in a bunch here) of banana, suger cane start. It was so much fun, for refreshments we had coconut juice (drank it right out of the cocnut, thats how we do it here, it is great), banana's and some koolaid ( the locals love koolaid). We had a blast and got really, really sunburned. So we used local medicine to help with the sunburn and it worked great, looks a little funny, but it works.

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