Saturday, December 3, 2011


Do you ever think about how much "stuff" you have? Just things. Suddenly, at the prospect of leaving what is really dear to me, my family, all the "stuff" doesn't really matter.
We have finished packing up. The only thing left to do is clean the kitchen completely. Jeff and Janelle have started moving there things in and it hit me. I am really leaving!!!!!!
 As I have washed the little fingerprints off my windows, computer, TV, etc, I started to cry, as I realize how very precious those little fingerprints are to me, and that I won't have those little fingerprints to wash off for the next 2 years.  Oh, how I will miss those precious little grandchildren and my children.
When I think about where we are going, and what we are going to do, in a 3rd world country, I am thrilled at the prospect of really being able to help someone else and at the same time I am realizing how very blessed I am. The real sacrifice is just starting to hit me.
     Take the time to tell your loved ones just how much you love them. Take the time to get all the hugs you can, they may have to last a long time. Forgive others, even when they never apologize and won't accept your apology. It's what Christ did! Tell the Lord how grateful you are that you have loved ones, There are many people who don't. Don't collect "stuff", it really doesn't matter, collect lots of love and memories, hugs and kisses, they are the only thing you can take with you.
     2 more days!!!!!!!

      The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Family.
           The Only Important "Stuff"


  1. We know you will be in good hands for the next 2 years. We love you and will miss you--Sundays just won't be the same--we hope you call place backs when you return. Much love--McMurtey's

  2. I'm so glad you started this blog! We are so excited to hear about your mission! :)
