After a beautiful Christmas Day of Baptisms and helping local families Skype(some of them for the first time ever) with their missionaries in the United States, we turned our attention to making sure our missionaries did not get to homesick. Today, Dec. 26 here, Dec.25 in the United States, all the missionaries whose families lived in the States called or Skyped home to visit with their families. The missionaries whose families are from this side of the world, talked with their families yesterday.
I have to say what a strength you all are to your sons and daughters here. After talking to all of you, they were strengthened and ready to go and work even harder to bring Heavenly Fathers children unto Him. After their phone calls they all went to work, serving the Lord. Many lessons were taught, some accepted baptism. The work is moving forward. The Lord is pouring out His spirit upon our little Island of Pohnpei, and because of all of you back home supporting all of us here, through your prayers and thoughts and letters and packages and just plain love, we are able to better do the Lords work. THANK YOU, THANK YOU. WE LOVE ALL OF YOU AND SO DO ALL YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS HERE. They are amazing, Thank you for raising them to do this work.
After a shorter then normal work day, we gathered all the missionaries back to the church and ate a yummy Christmas dinner and watched a great movie. Mom's and Dad's, your missionaries ate well, you don't have to worry. After dinner and the movies, gifts were passed out from the mission to each missionary. We were all tired, but a good tired, all went safely home and had a great nights sleep and are, once again ready to work even harder, because of the strength you gave us.
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Elder Gasu |
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Elder Davis |
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Waiting for Dinner |
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Sis. Vincent & Sis. Kjar |
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The Feast, Ham, Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Salads, Veggies Rolls, Gingerbread Cake & Fudge |
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Gifts from Guam |
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Happy Missionaries are the BEST |
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Hugs for all |
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O.K., so maybe not so much into the "Hugging" thing |
Truly, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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