We met a young man, or I should say we met his father after we had been here about 1 month. Today, that young man was baptized by Elder LeFevre. Here is his story.
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Elder Donakey, , Larry, Elder LeFevre |
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Larry and Elder LeFevre |
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Elder Crapo( one of Larry's Missionaries), Larry, Elder LeFevre |
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Elder Donakey, Larry, Elder Loveless |
Larry met the missionaries about 1 year ago, he took all of the lessons and wanted to be baptized, but his father would not sign the papers giving permission. You see Larry was only 14 years old, the same age as Joseph Smith when he went into that Grove which is Sacred and ask God which church to join. Well Larry had some of the same questions Joseph did and he got all his answers from 2 young missionaries. Well as the year progressed, he continued to ask his father to please let him get baptized and each time his father said NO. Every set of missionaries who worked with Larry also ask his father if Larry could get baptized, each time his father said NO. Enter Elder and Sister LeFevre. We were new to the Island and missionary work, but the Elders ask us if we would come and talk to Larry's father. So we went, we had been told the history of Larry and so we went in not knowing what to expect, but as we visited with Larry's Father, we felt prompted to ask him what his concerns were with Larry getting baptized. He opened up and told all of his concerns, each one was a valid concern, so we addressed each one. Well we have been visiting with Dusty (Larry's Dad) for about 4 months now and we have really learned to love Dusty and his whole family. this last week, Dusty finally gave permission for Larry to be baptized. Larry and Dusty ask Elder LeFevre to baptize Larry, so tonight Larry finally entered the waters of baptism and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As he came up out of the water, he said "I feel different, really happy". On Sunday, Larry will receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a wonderful experience, and as Larry bore his testimony, the spirit bore witness to me, once again of the truthfulness of this Gospel. It was a great day.
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