Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another Funeral

For those who have been following the blog, you will remember Marleen Epina, she is a missionary from our Island. We helped her to get her mission papers in and then helped her get ready to go, along with the other 2 Sr. Couples. She is going to Australia on her mission and she ended up waiting an additional 3 months, before she was able to go to the MTC in Provo, to learn English better. In that 3 months, she spend a lot of time with her family and out teaching with the Sister Missionaries. During that time her little brother, Jack got baptized and her older brother, Patterson, got reactivated in the church.
     Well, her father, Noah, passed away this last week. He had cancer and did not tell her about it, because he did not want her to worry. It was hard to go to his burial, knowing that he had not been baptized yet, but I have no doubt, that he will accept the gospel in the spirit world and will have to wait for his baptism to be done in a Temple.
Attending the Burial, Elder Kjar and Marleen's family

Finishing touches

Noah's grave, hand dug and filled in, the sheet on top is Tin, it is
weighed down with rocks, to keep animals out, and flowers are
arranged on top, this is what most burials are like.
Family members are buried next to the family Noss

3 of Marleen's 13 siblings

4 of Marleens sibling at their father grave

The 2 brothers in the back are Jack and Patterson,
The only other members of the church
in Marleens family

     We have been having FHE with their family ever since Marleen left, and we will continue to do that and to help the Elders Teach her family the gospel. They are a wonderful family and the spirit is strong each time we go. I am grateful that, even though,Noah was not baptized before he died, he will still have the opportunity to accept the gospel in the spirit world and accept Baptism when it is done for him, with someone else being his proxy, hopefully one of his family.

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